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Friday, June 12, 2015

Jurassic World Movie Review

Jurassic World Review

Owen Taming The Raptors
Rooaarrr! Jurassic World came out yesterday (Thursday) and boy did it make money. The film started off with $18.5 million dollars in just one day! The film is fun and is visually dazzling but it fills itself with dumb sequences and bad dialogue. Jurassic World is a blockbuster that is not meant to be good it's just meant to be a film for the family.

The Gate From Jurassic Park (1993) But Says Jurassic World

Jurassic World captures you because of the long wait since 2012. For those of you who have seen the original there's a whole sequence dedicated to the original film. Following the events of Jurassic Park (1993) and ignoring the other two films we starts off with the emotional part of the film. The mom (Judy Greer) of Zach (Nick Robinson) and Grey Mitchell (Ty Simpkons) are flying to the Jurassic World theme park. Once they leave we find out that the mom has a sister named Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) who runs the park and will take car of them. There are a whole bunch of scenes of them getting to Jurassic World which had opened a couple years ago so that means that people don't find  just dinosaurs amazing they want something now. That is how the Indominus Rex is born. Owen Grady (Chris Pratt) is confronted by Vic Hoskins (Vincent D'noforio) the head of In Gen security about getting the raptors he's training for the army. Of course Owen says no. So now we have the bad guy. The film progresses with some of the dumb sequences I was telling you about. The film is all about ethical choices whether
Vic Hoskins
its even right to make a dinosaur. Then the Indominus Rex escapes and and instead of evacuating the island they just send everybody back. The two brothers don't go back because they think their V.I.P. so they go inside the jungle due to an open gate that the Indominus Rex made. The Indominus Rex attacks them but they escape and they go to the old museum from the original Jurassic Park and hide in their. They disciver the Jurassic Park helmets and the skeleton bones of the T-Rex from the original and the banner that says "When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth". Then they find the night goggles Timothy was wearing from the original. Then they get in one of the Jurassic Park cars and zoom off back in the island but by then the park is already under attack. We then find out that B. D. Wong works with Vic and they are trying to steal embryos. Everyone gets evacuated and we end with a battle between the Indominus Rex and the Tyrannosaurus Rex. At the end of the film they had to have one last iconic moment, because this is an iconic film, with the T-Rex roaring declaring he's king of the dinosaurs no matter what.

Trying To Kill The Indominus Rex

The film is stunning in visual graphics but lacks depht. Jurassic World is a Blockbuster to watch despite the cliches and the mistake both part 1 and 2 made of having the same story line from the original. Despite the fact of Steven Spielberg not being the director and instead being the executive producer you can totally tell that he "influenced" the film's story. Jurassic World may not
be as good as the original but it sure is better then Jurassic Park 2 and 3. It earns it's place as one of the top Blockbuster movies.



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